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'Oiseaux bleus', 2022, 120 x 100 cm
acrylic, oil and charcoal on canvas

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'Au bord de la mare', 2022, 70 x 80 cm
acrylic, oil and charcoal on canvas

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'L'oiseau messager', 2022, 70 x 80 cm
acrylic, oil and charcoal on canvas

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'Le printemps à nos portes', 2022, 100 x 70 cm
acrylic and oil on canvas

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'Les capucines', 2022, 80 x 100 cm
acrylic, oil and charcoal on canvas

Please do not hesitate to reach out for more information concerning my available collection of paintings.

They can be seen upon request at my studio
'l'étoile verte'

 38 Rue Blaes, Brussels.

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'Champs de coquelicots', 2021, 100 x 160 cm
acrylic and charcoal on canvas

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'Les Marguerites',2021, 80 x 60 cm
Acrylic, oil and charcoal on canvas

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'Diptyque du mois d'août', 2021, 100 x 160 cm
Acrylic and charcoal on canvas

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'Les oiseaux', 2021, 80 x 120 cm
Acrylic and charcoal on canvas

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'Les hellébores', 2021, 140 x 120 cm
Acrylic, oil and charcoal on canvas

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